Tuesday, December 22, 2009

God With Us!

"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"— which means, "God with us."
Matthew 1:23

Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thou Shall Not Steal

Do you know how proud I am of my daughter right now? It is so reassuring to know that at times of pressure, she is confident to make the right choices. Yesterday, during lunch, a little girl at her school asked her to steal food off of another child's plate for her. My daughter, Sunshine, told her no and the friend asked why.

"It is against the law to steal and against God's law- the 10 commandments."

"Well, I'm not from this country so I can steal."

"You live in America now, so you should not steal."

I guess this little girl has been stealing from others throughout the week- pencils, erasers, etc. Even though it may seem like something small- food or a pencil- my daughter recognizes that taking something that is not yours is wrong.

She told her that if she continued to do this she couldn't be her friend. She didn't like this very much and called my daughter a name in another language.
Later yesterday evening, Sunshine asked me if she should continue to be friends with this girl? I told her that this was a difficult question. I told her that she can still care about her, but not be friends with her. (meaning play with her, etc.) What do you think?

If we want our children to shine the light they have inside, yet not be influenced by the behavior of others, should they chose their friends wisely even at age 7?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Monday, December 14, 2009

One Winter's Night

There are so many beautiful Christmas stories written that are worth sharing with your children this time of year. Recently, we read One Winter's Night by John Herman. It is the story about a pregnant cow looking for shelter on the night of Christmas Eve. Two special mothers give birth on the same miraculous evening. The girls enjoyed the parallel between the Christmas story and Martha's story. Although the setting seems to be a bit different than what we would usually read about in the true Christmas story, it was still a lovely book to share with the girls.

Christmas Blessings,

Sunday, December 13, 2009

God is With You

"Jesus is with me. Jesus is with me." I would repeat this to myself as a child when I was in a situation that was scary- bedtime in the dark or walking into the dark cellar looking for the light. Recently, my littlest was having a little bit of anxiety at bedtime. Older sis intervened by writing her a little note. It said: God is With You. It was very sweet to see my oldest comforting her little sister.

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?
Psalm 118:6

Christmas Blessings,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reminding Mom: The True Meaning of Christmas

The girls eagerly awaited as Daddy started setting up our artificial tree for them to trim. I refer to it as our Charlie Brown tree because it doesn't have a lot of branches, but once decorated it is perfect in my children's eyes. I bought it on special years back and was excited that it was already pre-lit. Excited until I plugged it in this year to find the top lit, the bottom lit, but the middle out. My husband's response- Oh, who cares, let's decorate it like this.

With the middle out?
Are you serious?

Shortly after, the girls come running over to me and say, Mommy- Christmas isn't about the tree. It is about Jesus. We can decorate it like this.

I knew in my heart that they were right. I told them that I agreed. I have to admit though, I did run out to the store and find a small strand of lights on sale for the middle. It would have just driven me crazy all season looking at our tree without lights.

Isn't it wonderful though at 5 and 7 they are telling Mommy what the focus of Christmas should be. Jesus is the Reason!

Christmas Blessings,


Monday, December 7, 2009

Little Blessing on his Way!

It won't be long now. I'll be meeting my little baby boy! Will he come on my due date- Christmas? It's so exciting not knowing when the baby will arrive with Christmas right around the corner, especially for my girls.

The baby is very active, strong heartbeat, and the head is down. His little right kidney is a little bigger than his left, so we will need to watch this after he is born. It's probably nothing serious, but please pray that his kidney will function properly.

Enjoy this Christmas season,


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Early Christmas for Noah

Recently, I came across a post on Facebook about a little boy who has been battling cancer for years. It is so sad to think about a child having to deal with such an illness and my heart goes out to the parents as well. I can't even imagine my child having cancer or losing a child to cancer. So when I came across the story of a little boy named Noah from Michigan who probably won't make it for Christmas, it touched my heart.

He is really sick, but I still hold out hope for a miracle. I pray that this isn't God's will and that his will is to heal. My little girls asked me if God will heal him. How difficult to explain that it may be this little boys time to go to heaven.

Because of his health, his parents decided to celebrate Christmas early. My hope is that you will join my family and thousands of others around the nation in sending a Christmas card to Noah. My daughters made handmade Christmas cards with words of encouragement and attached their photos.

Click below to watch a news report about him and his family.

If you'd like to send a Christmas card, please try to do so as soon as possible, because his time may be short.

Send cards to: Noah Biorkman, 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Before I Dream...

Recently, I found this beautiful book, Before I Dream Bedtime Bible Story Book by Karyn Henley, in a thrift store. What a find! The girls have enjoyed hearing God's word each evening, written as stories at their level. Each evening, they ask for a new story even before I begin reading. Click here- to learn more about this wonderful storybook.

"Her stories are written in a soothing style that will help your child to relax and fall asleep resting on God's Word."



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm Still Here!

I can't believe that it has been months since I posted on here! The start of my pregnancy was really rough and I got away from blogging for awhile. I also have had some struggles trusting God with my finances and other areas of my life. As I pray and continue to stay in God's word, it is becoming easier to trust that he will provide for us.

Recently, I started attending a bible study with other women from my MOPs group. This has been good for me and helps me to stay focused on God's word. We are studying "Bad Girls of the Bible."

Daily devotionals are also helpful. I'm reading "Our Daily Bread" and a devotional by Joyce Meyers.

Each night I've been reading a bible story and praying with my girls, too. We spend time talking about God's word and I give them time to ask questions.

Some days have been better than others, but I think things are looking up- I guess what you would call having HOPE! Even though some days it doesn't feel like it, I know that God is there with open arms waiting for me to give my worries and my life to him- to trust him again.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mom, Will I Be Famous Someday?

"Mom, do you think that I will be famous someday?"

"I think you are very talented, so you may be famous someday. It depends though if this is God's will for your life."

"I want to be a famous singer someday."

I'm giving advice about God's will to my daughter and in my heart I truly believe this, but lately I'm having a such a hard time discerning God's will for my own life. I'm praying that God reveals something to me that will help me understand. Is it that I'm trying to follow my own will, because his will is difficult? or is it a heart or sin matter?

I can relate to Sarah Groves lyrics from Hello, Lord-

Hello Lord, it's me your child
I have a few things on my mind
Right now I'm faced with big decisions
And I'm wondering if you have a minute, cuz
Right now I don't hear so well
And I was wondering if you could speak up

I know that you tore the veil
So I could sit with you in person
And hear what you're saying but
Right now, I just can't hear you.

I don't doubt your sovereignty
I doubt my own ability to
Hear what you're saying
And to do the right thing
And I desperately want to do the right thing
But right now I don't hear so well
And I was wondering if you could speak up

I'm going to keep in prayer and trust that God will give me the answers.

Many Blessings,


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13

How awesome that God uses us to create life! What an honor.

I'll be away for a few days with my husband for a wedding. I am blessed to be able to see my childhood friend get married. Looking forward to the time away with my husband, even though I know that I will miss my little ones.

Take Care and God Bless you and your families! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday: New Life!

Today I am thankful for new life! New life growing around me, new life in Jesus, and new life growing inside me. God has surely blessed me!

Visit Creative and Curious Kids! to hear all about the exciting news!

Please pray for my family as we start on this new adventure.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

31 Bloggers in 31 Days!!

A month-long blog party with awesome prizes. How can I resist? Prizes each day for 31 days featuring 31 different bloggers. Sound like fun? Be sure to check it out over at momdot.com.



Monday, May 4, 2009

Preschool Sunday

Yesterday, my peanut sang in church with her classmates for Preschool Sunday. There isn't anything cuter than a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds praising God! She really has overcome past fears of getting on stage. She sang her little heart out and was dancing a little jig as she sang. Momma's proud!

Daddy's proud of his little girl, too!

Have a wonderful Monday!



Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful for the Sunshine that came into our lives 7 years ago today!

She has always added so much life into our home. There has never been a dull moment in our lives since her arrival. She is so energetic, creative, and musical. She doesn't walk through the living room, but dance and sing and flip around. She loves to be a helper and cares deeply for others. She adores her little sister and looks out for her. (Yes, they fight- alot!) I love her sense of humor and her desire to explore and learn about life.

Although her independence and free-spirit can be challenging, I know that she will be a leader someday. It was a proud moment when one of her teachers told me that "She will do great things in this world."

Happy Birthday, Sunshine Girl! Momma loves you so much!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Laughter!

Laughter is the best medicine!

Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6

For more W.W., be sure to visit 5 Minutes for Mom. Also, check out this inspiring post on the Universal Language.

I hope that your day is filled with laughter and great joy!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Slow Down and Enjoy the Beauty

How awesome it is to slow down, stop, and explore all of the wonders and beauty in this world! So often we are rushing from task to task and place to place, that we are missing all of the wonder around us. Isn't it great how children can slow us down and remind us of the simple things that bring joy? Below are some of the treasures we found on a recent nature walk.

We are looking forward to using the above photos for our Nature Journal that we will be creating. Not only will it guide in the children's reading and writing, but it will remind them of the beauty in this world. To read more about creating a nature journal, visit Creative and Curious Kids!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beth Moore: Living Proof Live

I'm so excited that Beth Moore is coming to my hometown! If you aren't familiar with Beth Moore, I highly recommend that you read one of her books or participate in one of her studies. God truly uses her to educate and to bless others through her ministry. Years ago I had the opportunity to see her speak at a weekend conference in a nearby state. How nice it will be to be able to see her so close to home. I'm hoping that I'll be able to attend during the weekend that she will be here. Be sure to click on the link below to see if she will be visiting your hometown or just to learn more about this amazing Christian woman.


Many Blessings,


Thankful Thursday: Happy Birthday!

I am thankful that my husband, David, was born 40 years ago!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!

I've spent over half of my life with him. Meeting him at the age of 14 in a local grocery store, was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I honestly wasn't shopping for a husband at the age of 14, just a crush, but boy did I get more.

I got a best friend, a life companion, a loving father to my children.

Married for almost 14 years- we have truly been here for each other through sickness and in health, richer and for poorer, good times and yes, we have had bad- who hasn't!

Dave as a teenager

Our Wedding Day

Family- Today!

So today on his 40th birthday, I am feeling thankful for him!



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Yeesh, Big Snake!

Loving all God's Creatures! Happy Earth Day!

For more Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit 5 Minutes for Mom!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Slow to Anger, Easy to Forgive

Slow to anger, easy to forgive- I strive for this. It is easier said than done, though. Isn't it? Especially if we aren't putting God first. Yesterday, an incident occurred that saddened me, but also caused me to feel anger. I had to hold back to not say something that I would regret later. This usually happened when it involves someone I care about- like Sunshine girl. Sunshine is very impulsive, outgoing, speaks her mind, questions authority, but is also very loving, sensitive, and caring. Yesterday at a family picnic, she kicked a rock and was accused of doing it maliciously. In my heart I can't see her trying to hurt an adult with a rock- it's not her nature. Kicking rocks out of anger or impulse, yes. This is her nature and it's wrong because someone could get hurt. The person that was injured yelled at her and then shortly after found me and basically told me off. She believes that Sunshine kicked a rock at her because she said no to her about taking her dog for a walk. Luckily, there weren't too many people around. I wanted to discuss things with her, but I didn't feel it was appropriate. This was my husband's and my brother-in-laws birthday party and the last thing I wanted to do was make a scene. What saddens me is this is the sister of family member that I am very close to and now I feel like things are unsettled. She even was rude with my mother and told her that if people continue to make excuses for her, she will continue to do it. It is as though she is 1. accusing me of not disciplining my child and 2. assuming that it is common for my daughter to hurt people with rocks. My daughter cried for the longest time yesterday and swore to me over and over that she didn't mean to hurt anyone. She then sat alone for the longest time, because she was too uncomfortable to go back to her father's party. I just feel horrible today about this and would like to forgive and just let it go, but it is hard when you see your child hurting. I'm going to lift these concerns up today.

Prayers are greatly appreciated! Enjoy your day.



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Hallelujah, He is Risen

What a wonderful Easter I had with my family! The weather was beautiful and it was wonderful worshipping with my family and friends at church. We also hosted Easter this year, so my home was filled with family. I am thankful for Jesus today and the Easter holiday- the opportunity to celebrate Jesus' resurrection.

Have a blessed day!


Friday, April 10, 2009

How do we share Good Friday with our Children?

If you are looking for ideas on how to observe Good Friday with your children, I found a few ideas at ehow.com. One of the ideas that I liked was baking hot crossed buns. The cross on the bun to represent Jesus on the cross. Trying to figure out ways to teach about Good Friday in an age appropriate way has been a challenge for me as a parent. I did use the resurrection eggs, but was still a bit uncomfortable with the spear and other symbols used in the eggs. The way that Jesus died was so awful that I don't want to scare my children, even though I believe that they need to know that he died for them. If you've struggled with this, I'd like to hear from you. Or if you've found a way to share the truth of Jesus in an age appropriate way, please share suggestions.

Have a blessed Easter!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Resurrection Eggs

"An imaginative tool to teach your kids the real message of Easter. Each carton comes with an easy-to-understand booklet that explains how to use the eggs, plus stories that reveal the significance of the symbols hidden inside the eggs."

Little ones learn best when they can experience concepts in a concrete manner. This is what I like about resurrection eggs. You can find these eggs at a Christian store
Search Kids At FamilyChristian.com

or if you are creative, like my daughter's preschool teacher, you can create your own resurrection eggs to tell the story of Jesus.

-a dozen colored plastic eggs
-an egg carton or basket for storage
-small items from around the house to fit into
each egg to tell the Easter story.
-Celebrating Easter: Resurrection Eggs Great website that lists each item and a verse to go with each.

Also, found a great post over at The Masked Mommy.

Thanks, Ms. Cheryl for making these for my girls!

Many Blessings,

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

My Peanut is turning 5 in just 2 days! It is so hard to believe that my youngest will be five. Where did the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was changing diapers and rocking her to sleep? Today, I am thankful for the birth of my little peanut. I am thankful that even though she is going to be five she is little enough for me to pick up in my arms. I love her little smile, her curiosity, and her love for language. I adore her very sweet nature and when she says Momma, I love you more than 100, 100, 100, 100 ...............There is so much that I love about her. I am so thankful that God gave me her- what an awesome, beautiful gift!

Many Blessings,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Veggie Tales: An Easter Carol

Around this time of year, I get out our copy of An Easter Carol. The girls enjoy the Veggie Tales videos, so this is one of their Easter favorites! They absolutely love the music box's singing angel. I just came across a great sale on this item. You can find it for only $5.00 on the Family Christian Stores website.

Here's a little video sneak peek:

"Cavis and Millward, stars of Big Idea's smash Christmas release, The Star of Christmas, are back!This time, Cavis and Millward (Bob and Larry) and a music box angel named Hope (voiced by Rebecca St. James) must convince Uncle Ebenezzer Nezzer that Easter is about more than just candy and eggs. Inspired by Charles Dickens' Christmas classic, this is a powerful story that will remind the viewer why million of Christians about the world celebrate Easter past, present and future! "

Search Kids At FamilyChristian.com

Many Blessings,


Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Easter Present: New Bibles

Recently, I had posted how I was looking for new bibles for my girls being that they were growing out of their story bibles. Well, I finally purchased bibles as an Easter surprise and was so fortunate to find them on sale. Below are my final selections:

"Every girl wants to know she’s totally unique and special. This Bible says that with Faithgirlz!™ sparkle! Now girls can grow closer to God as they discover the journey of a lifetime, in their language, for their world."


The Faithgirlz! Bible is recommended for girls aged 8 and up. Sunshine will be turning 7 soon, so I'm hoping that this will be a bible that will grow with her into the pre-teen years.

"Ready for Adventure? Embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the Adventure Bible. Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly you’ll grow closer in your relationship with God. Recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids.

The Adventure Bible
was selected for Peanut who will be turning 5. She isn't able to read yet, but I thought that I would purchase her big girl bible now as well. It won't be long before she will be able to read it and follow along at Church.

Well, they were supposed to be gifts for Easter. I'm like a big kid and I couldn't wait to give them their new bibles. They were super excited; they both love their individual bibles.

Enjoy your weekend,


Monday, March 23, 2009

The Ultimate Blog Party 2009

5 Minutes for Mom is hosting an awesome blog party from March 20th- March 27th. It's not too late to join in on the fun. To participate, you need to post about the party and post your link over at 5 Minutes for Mom. If you don't have a blog, you can also participate by leaving a comment. So this is fun for everyone! Click the link below to get all of the details and to link to the party! Be sure to check out all of the party giveaways.

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

If you are visiting God's Shining Stars via the Blog Party- WELCOME!! I hope you enjoy my site. You can also find me and my family over at Creative and Curious Kids! We are partying over there, too!!

Take Care!
The Breast Cancer Site