Recently, my four year old has been collecting seeds from the fruits and vegetables she has been eating and then planting them in our backyard. This summer she saved cucumber seeds to dry out and yesterday, I found her planting seeds from an apple that she was eating. Her motivation? Possibly,the garden that we planted this past Spring. It has been such a blessing, a wonderful family project, plus it has provided us with more than enough cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers than we could ever need for just the four of us. So, of course we willingly shared our harvest with others. So easy to do, but why don't we do this more often with our faith? Why don't we plant seeds so that others can see the harvest, too! God can do such amazing things through us and our children. I want to do more to plant seeds in the hearts of others so that they can know Christ. I also want to recognize that sometimes it takes time to see the harvest- it is in God's time- not our own.
This morning, I read a wonderful devotional titled
The Pumpkin Patch by Sharon Glasgow. She shares in the devotional how one year she was so excited to plant seeds for a pumpkin patch, but nothing grew. She described her disappointed. But the next season, she was presently surprised to find a large pumpkin growing from last years seeds. She then shares how God uses this to teach her a lesson about the harvest of the seeds that she had once planted in the lives of others and how she can continue to labor.
(God's Purpose for Every Woman: A P31 WOMEN'S DEVOTIONAL)I try to pray with my daughters daily that they will plant seeds in others by letting God's light shine though them. By helping others, sharing their faith, and being kind, children can do big things for God's Kingdom. So let's go plant some seeds today with our children- whether it be to give an unexpected smile, share about Jesus, help someone at work- so many ways we can share the love of Christ.
He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
Luke 10: 2 NKJVMany Blessings,