Around this time of year, I get out our copy of An Easter Carol. The girls enjoy the Veggie Tales videos, so this is one of their Easter favorites! They absolutely love the music box's singing angel. I just came across a great sale on this item. You can find it for only $5.00 on the Family Christian Stores website.
Here's a little video sneak peek:
"Cavis and Millward, stars of Big Idea's smash Christmas release, The Star of Christmas, are back!This time, Cavis and Millward (Bob and Larry) and a music box angel named Hope (voiced by Rebecca St. James) must convince Uncle Ebenezzer Nezzer that Easter is about more than just candy and eggs. Inspired by Charles Dickens' Christmas classic, this is a powerful story that will remind the viewer why million of Christians about the world celebrate Easter past, present and future! "
Many Blessings,