Do you know how proud I am of my daughter right now? It is so reassuring to know that at times of pressure, she is confident to make the right choices. Yesterday, during lunch, a little girl at her school asked her to steal food off of another child's plate for her. My daughter, Sunshine, told her no and the friend asked why.
"It is against the law to steal and against God's law- the 10 commandments."
"Well, I'm not from this country so I can steal."
"You live in America now, so you should not steal." I guess this little girl has been stealing from others throughout the week- pencils, erasers, etc. Even though it may seem like something small- food or a pencil- my daughter recognizes that taking something that is not yours is wrong.
She told her that if she continued to do this she couldn't be her friend. She didn't like this very much and called my daughter a name in another language.
Later yesterday evening, Sunshine asked me if she should continue to be friends with this girl? I told her that this was a difficult question. I told her that she can still care about her, but not be friends with her. (meaning play with her, etc.) What do you think?
If we want our children to shine the light they have inside, yet not be influenced by the behavior of others, should they chose their friends wisely even at age 7?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!